• You have secured your spot for the “5 Day Stay Healthy COVID-19 & Beyond Challenge” April 20-24th.
  •  Join the 5 Day Stay Healthy Challenge Group now.  That’s where all the fun and action of the challenge will take place.  Here is the link.  It’s OK, go ahead, I am waiting for you to join.
  • I will be emailing you about the challenge, with more details and reminders, so stay tuned and keep an eye out for emails!
  • Spread the love and share the Challenge with anyone you know who can benefit from it (friends, family, colleagues, church members etc.).
  • Did you join the Facebook Group like I asked you to?  If you didn’t go do it now!  Everyone is waiting to meet you inside the group. 

Challenge starts in:








“I’ll teach you how to stay healthy physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually during COVID-19 & Beyond!” ~ Dr. Gwen
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