Dr. Gwen's Counselor CAFE
(Connect, Ask Questions, Find Resources, Elevate)Self-Care Leader, Advocate & Consultant

Self-Care Leader & Advocate
Educators confront a multitude of challenges on a daily basis. These challenges often require the transfer of knowledge and application of skills. Through consultation, teaching and guidance I can help you reduce the overwhelm and improve your overall health and well-being.
Mental Health Consultant
Through workshops, speaking engagements, products and books, Dr. Gwen’s Counselor Cafe empower educators and other helping professionals to transform their personal and professional lives. It is much easier to be successful if you have the support, knowledge and tools you need. We assist individuals, schools and businesses.
Presentation Reviews
“Thank you so much for your presentation! I was impressed with your knowledge on so many topics and especially self-care, and how it relates to each of us on so many levels.”
“Share this information with staff and parents during staff and parent meetings.”
“This training made me look at my workplace interactions and how I need to take time to step away.”
“I just really loved this presentation, and you are very personable. Thank you so much for talking with us. It felt like a one-on-one session.”
“Very informative, just needed some more time added to your presentation.”
“Thank you Dr. Martin for sharing your experience and expertise in building rapport with children. It was helpful not only as a future PMHNP but also a parent.“
“I really appreciate this presentation. At first I didn’t want to work with this population but now I feel our presence and advocacy for educating MH in schools is imperative. Definitely an area I want to focus on. Thank you for what you do and being a ray of hope for our youth.”
“Kindly give these sessions to new teachers and international teachers like me to easily cope with students’ behavior problems in the US”
“Great tips and advice. I can tell you are knowledgeable and passionate about the subject. Your personal experiences and stories helped a lot; thanks for your time!“
“This was a fantastic workshop! I love the materials available to take away from and purchase. Thank you so much!“
“I believe the training was effective. The self-care assessment was reflective. It allowed me to see the areas where I’m lacking in self-care.”
Product Reviews
“This is a must read for every educator! If you are a brand new teacher preparing for your first year in the classroom or a veteran educator, realizing you need to take better care of yourself! This is easy to follow and practical with the after action plan for each section. As an administrator, I would provide this guide for every educator on my campus. It is refreshing and allows for immediate implementation of the tips! I enjoyed the fact that this is coming from the insider’s perspective-the author can and does relate to the many demands placed on us as educators. As I was reading, I began identifying aspects I could make a part of my routine. The immediate feedback section made each strategy here and now!!! An excellent guide to lead you in the direction of establishing routines to take care of you! You owe it to yourself! You have to take care of self before you can take care of others.”
“Today’s educators face challenges unlike most of their predecessors. The demands of the profession are at an all-time high as school personnel fulfill the call of their vocations while navigating the uncertainties of a global pandemic. The certainty of stress in such unprecedented times leaves many educators feeling overwhelmed and undervalued. Dr. Gwen’s A to Z Self-Care Guide for Educators invites education professionals to give themselves the grace they rightly deserve to prioritize personal care. Filled with thoughtful, easy-to-follow tips and strategies, this book reminds educators that self-care is not only important but also imperative to their overall well-being. Readers will find Dr. Gwen’s recommendations insightful, timely, and easy to integrate into their daily lives. From A to Z, each section offers words of wisdom and activities intended to compel educators to reflect, refocus, and renew their commitment to taking care of themselves. As Dr. Gwen aptly asserts, self-care is an educator’s “professional, personal, and moral responsibility to maintain a healthy and balanced lifestyle at home and work.” May all readers take heed to her words.”
“In a world of epidemics, heated political climates, and daily worry about tomorrow, Dr. Gwen’s message of personal care is both important and timely. With this simple set of reminders we are encouraged to take a breath, put things in perspective, and keep on impacting others positively.”
“Dr. Gwen’s A-Z Self-Care Guide for Educators offers a treasure trove of ready-to-use self-care practices. Dr. Gwen packs an incredible amount of information into this book, yet it is easy to digest. Dr. Gwen is an excellent writer who doesn’t beat around the bush. Her book will get you up and moving, moving as is fitness, or moving if you feel stuck. If you want to manage stress better, learn to say no in a clear unapologetic yet acceptable way, have a doable work-life balance, feel it’s ok to ask for help, then read Dr. Gwen’s book for answers to these questions and more.From beginning to end, you can feel her cheering for your success and feel the confidence she has in you to realize your potential. Dr. Gwen’s Self-Care- for Educators is a gem of a book.”
“Dr. Gwen’s A to Z Self care Guide for Educators will inspire not only educators but anyone who reads this interesting and informative workbook. I would highly recommend this sorely needed guide to all my clients and colleagues. With an “attitude of gratitude”, I thank Dr. Gwen for her gift of creativity, practicality and above all positivity.”
” What a wonderful book! So many families have teenagers who are struggling with difficult situations and many have no where to turn for help! This book provides helpful information and tips that guides not only teenagers but parents in supportive ways. Teenagers who read this book can enjoy an easy read that gets straight to the point that teens can relate to! Dr. Gwen has written another great book proving once again her passion for helping others comes through in a caring a meaningful way for all her readers!”
” Dr. Gwen’s A to Z Self-Care Guide for Teens was a timely read as I am a parent of two teenagers. Her advices was spot on. I learned long ago that my children often will receive the same advice better when it comes from someone of authority other than their parent! This book is especially relevant now after living through a pandemic. Teenager’s mental and emotional wellness should be supported to the best extent possible. Giving them some tools to navigate to do this themselves is empowering. I can’t wait to give each of my teens a copy.”
“I bought this book for my daughter, and she gave it thumbs up. This book is written to engage its reader into thinking about their well-being. It focuses not only on self-care but also healing from experiences that we may have that are broken or not going so well with others. It is a recipe for improving one’s self to a state of healing and happiness. For some of us who may have daughters transiting to teenagers or adulthood, I would recommend this book. Many thanks to the author.”